I wrote my dissertation on the access/Benacerraf problem for mathematical realists at Harvard under Warren Goldfarb, Peter Koellner , Ned Hall, and Bernard Nickel.

I then spent time as a postdoc at the Australian National University under Dave Chalmers and Daniel Stoljar and as a Polonsky fellow at the Van Leer Institute I briefly taught at Oakland University and Ashoka University in Sonipat, India.

Currently I'm an Assistant Professor at Indiana University Bloomington .

  • I have draft papers on many topics (not limited to those on the this website) and would love to travel more to give talks
  • My book A Logical Foundation for Potentialist Set Theory is finally out! I would love to discuss it over email, and have posted an informal guide for readers.


Say hello at seberry@invariant.org if you want to see draft papers or talk shop.